Monday, April 16, 2012

similarities, differences, and judgements

 I hope that this blog teaches you a lot about me and my art. Please leave me some feedback in the comments.


  1. Hello there! I see that we both are writers...however I write music not poems. which by the way, your poems are absoutlety beautiful! Judging from your interview I see we both speak italian, however my first language is Finnish, I excel at foreign languages I have to say. Also I see that your father was a poet as well. That must have been great getting support from him! My family wasn't too into the idea of me even being interested in music. Well enough about me, the writings you have posted on your blog are great and your brother, what an amazing artist!

  2. Bonjor! I think we are very similar in some ways and very diffrent in other ways. For example we both have had very bad experances with our love lives considering we both have lost multiple people that we love. I lost Arthur Bertrand and Alexandre Florian Joseph, Count Colonna-Walewski and you lost James Collinson and Charles Cayley. Also we are similar because we both grew up in the lower class because my father is a peddler and your father is a professuer. We are also diffrent in may ways too considering you are a poet and I am an actress! Unlike you I faced many struggles in order to become an actress such as having to sing in the streets for years in order to be notice by Etienne Choron. Also unlike you I never was close to any one of my sibligs for my entirre lifetime. I was close with my sister Sara in the beginnig of my carrear but she was never as suppotive as that Dante of yours! In conclusion I concurr that you and I are specatcular artist who are equally sucessful!

  3. Dear Ms. Rossetti,
    Good day to you. I do not believe we have met before. I am Amy Beach, one of America's first successful female musicians. I could not help but notice the fact that we share a lot of similarities. We both had to overcome the obstacle of succeeding in an artistic world primarily dominated by men. We also were both taught primarily at home. My mother was my main teacher when it came to music and I had few professional instructors. I self-taught myself to sing and compose music just like you seem to have taught yourself to write lovely poems.
    I will have to continue this conversation later. I have to go rehearse my new piano concerto.
    -Amy Beach

  4. Dear Ms. Rossetti,
    As I was saying, I noticed a great many similarities between you and I. I did, however, also notice quite a great many differences between us as well. The most obvious is that I am a musican while you are a poet. I am from America while you are from England. Also, we are almost 40 years apart in age, a full generation at least. However, despite our differences, we both share the similarity of being very successful in our artistic fields.
    Overall, I really enjoy reading your work. You have a great sense of style in your writing. I espcially loved your poem "In the Bleak Mid-Winter". I could almost see the stable with Jesus lieing in a manger with Mary close by. Your poems do a spectacular job creating a vivid, detailed picture in my mind and I commend you for that. That's not something just anyone can do. You truly have a gift with words.
    It was pleasant speaking with you. I hope to see you soon.
    -Amy Beach

  5. Dear Ms. Rossetti,
    I am so glad to have learned a little about your life. You are an interesting woman. Your poem "Remember" is amazing. I could really feel the emotion. It is almost like a dancer, having to become the character with the feeling, the emotion, and the mental ability to think like this character. Well, I must go, we have a dress rehearsal, I hope to talk to you soon.
    -Fanny Elssler

  6. Hello Ms. Rossetti, I very much so enjoyed your blog! You appreciate good art and class just as I do! Although, we do have different thoughts on materialism. Where I appreciate the finer things in life, you do not care for them as much. So far as judgements, I am quite a fan of your writing talent despite the fact that we do not think completely alike.

  7. Hello! Well Ms.Rossetti, lets just say there aren't too many similarities between us. For instance I speak italian as well! I also speak fluently four other languages, but that's beside the point. I too have a very talented family which I saw you mentioned.

    Now when it comes to differences, there are many, but I'm not going to name them all! Hahaha, now you are a poet and I am famous Oper Singer, as you know ofcourse. Your career started in your younger years but not as young as mine. you 18, while I 8. You were very inspired say by the things happeing socially while I did things but weren't involved too much
    Overall your life doesnt seem too interesting. Spice it up, add fun! I wouldve loved to hear more of your love life!
